Demand for plant-based proteins is increasing as Americans focus on the quantity and quality of the protein that they consume. According to investment firm UBS, growth of plant-based protein and meat alternatives is projected to increase from $4.6 billion in 2018, to $85 billion in 2030. However, there are challenges inherent to the flavor profile of plant-based protein products such as vegetative, grassy, beany, earthy, bitter, and chalky off-notes. Flavor selection is critical to mask these flavor characteristics…
Tropical flavors present significant advantages for both taste and marketing. While traditional flavors like chocolate and vanilla can be effective options, tropical flavors offer the opportunity to differentiate products in a market where consumers are looking to try new things. Many tropical flavors have inherent bitter and sour notes, which can be effective at masking protein off-notes. The three flavors listed below are excellent options both as stand-alone flavors, or in combination with each other and/or other flavors.
675922 MANGOSTEEN TYPE, NFB (WS) – This is a tropical blend of strawberry, peach, vanilla, and slight floral notes.
Native to Southeast Asia, the Mangosteen (i.e. the “Queen of Fruit”) is often paired with durian (or, “King of Fruit”). Hidden beneath a thick purple skin is a creamy – both in color and texture – flesh that is known for its delicate sweet-and-sour taste. Rumor has it that Queen Victoria once offered 100 pounds sterling to anyone that could deliver the fresh fruit to her.
675924 JACKFRUIT TYPE, NFB (WS) – This is a tropical blend of mango, pineapple, and banana notes.
Jackfruit, found in the tropical areas of Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa, has seen a rise in popularity in the U.S. as a meat alternative due to its pulled-pork/chicken like texture when cooked.
172035 PASSIONFRUIT ESSENCE, NFB (WS) – This is a tropical blend of peaches, strawberry, pineapple, orange, and coconut with slight floral undertones.
Available in both purple and yellow varieties, the passionfruit has expanded from a local favorite across the tropics to a mainstream fruit in American homes, all thanks to its unique texture and flavor. The modern name is a derivation of “the passion flower”, which originated in the 17th century; missionaries in Brazil used the fruit as an educational aid while trying to convert the indigenous inhabitants to Christianity.
Trilogy Flavors works with product development teams to create the perfect flavor and delivery system for protein products. Our flavors for protein satisfy various label requirements such as clean label, certified organic, non-GMO, vegetarian, kosher, and halal. Our flavor capabilities are vast and can suit any palate. From bananas foster, to cinnamon roll, to passionfruit, we have the flavors your customers love.