Peaches: the mere mention can transport us to a beautiful summer day. Maybe it conjures the image of a Georgia orchard, the air drenched with the smell of sweet, luscious peaches. Or perhaps you can imagine yourself sitting poolside, a giant hat on your head and a glass of peach iced tea in your hand. Or maybe it reminds you of something you love: your favorite peach Bellini candle, the perfect shade of blush, or a sweet cocktail. Whatever comes to your mind, we can all agree that this flavor is just peachy!
Peach flavor comes, of course, from the delectable, juicy fruit beloved the world over. From Asia to Europe to North America, peaches have been enjoyed for thousands of years. And it’s not hard to see why: just the thought of biting into a summer-ripe peach can put anyone into a great mood.
Indeed, these mood-boosting properties make peaches the perfect candidate for today’s consumer market. According to research giant Mintel, folks are craving scents and tastes that make them feel good—and they intuitively understand the connection between food and mood. So whether that means ingredients that can calm their stress, boost their energy, or make them feel happy, consumers are eager to improve their mood through food!
Mintel states that 67% of German consumers have the perception that certain ingredients have beneficial effects on their moods. Subsequently, they’re more likely to try—and buy—foods that serve that purpose.
41% of UK adults who eat snacks regularly say that ingredients known for their calming properties appeal to them. But it’s not just foods; it is also drinks like peach-infused herbal teas, extract capsules, and even shots of essence used to brighten their beverages. There is nothing like a juicy burst of peach to transport us to the warmth of a summer day!
In fact, Mintel confirms that both aroma and flavors have fantastic potential for relieving stress and boosting your mood. Bright, citrusy flavors like lemon, orange—and yes, peach too—has been shown to have a remarkable relaxant effect in demonstrations.
With all this in mind, it’s easy to understand how peach has entered the market in all kinds of different products. Peach flavoring makes its way into everything from dairy, baby food, and snacks to beer and cocktails, juice, gum and confectionery, and flavored water.
But there’s no food better for boosting your mood than ice cream. According to Mintel, 44% of consumers agree that ice cream is the perfect mood-boosting food. This explains why ice cream and sherbet are especially popular choices for peach flavoring—it’s a winning combination! Adding a hint of peach is a surefire way to bring up your mood as you swing into spring.
What will you create today with Trilogy’s peach flavors?
Trilogy Product Code: 571803 Peach Natural Flavor Blend ( water soluble) #1803
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